SSMS Tools Pack 6.6 is out with loads of new and improved features.
2025-03-24 00:00:00

Object Explorer Custom Folders
New: Custom coloring of folder icons enabling to visually mark folders quickly.
New: Auto-expand a custom folder when opening its parent Object Explorer folder.

SQL History
New: Servers connected in Object Explorer are now stored in Tab Session History.

SQL Editor Plus
New: Show Object Definition (CREATE ... ) for the object under the caret.

Script Data Generator
New: Script grid cells as JSON.
New: Script selected cells' column names CSV to clipboard.

SQL Snippets
New: Added 'Last used on' date value for each snippet.

Run script on multiple targets
Improved: Connects to a database when using multiple windows execution, removing the need for a USE <DbName> statement.

SSMS Tools Pack 6.3 is out with support for SSMS 20, new and improved features and a few bug fixes.
2024-04-30 00:00:00

Object Explorer Custom Folders
New: Copy all database's custom folders to a new database.
Improved: Use Drag & Drop to add objects to folders.

Database Cache
Improved: Added a shortcut key to refresh the database cache of active window.

SSMS Tools Pack 6.0 is out with support for SSMS 19, new and improved features, bug fixes and speed improvements.
2023-08-24 00:00:00

Object Explorer Custom Folders
New: Group any Object Explorer node into custom named folders with group by schema first where available.

Script Data Generator
Improved: Added option to truncate table before generated insert statements.

SSMS Tools Pack 5.9 is out. New and improved features, bug fixes and speed improvements.
2022-10-03 00:00:00

Column Data Statistics
New: Show Immediate Data Statistics window. It will show statistical data as cells are being selected.

SQL Editor Plus
Improved: Find Object in Object Explorer now shows a list box of multiple matched entries if they exist.

Script Data Generator
New: Script selected cells as IN operator.
New: Add filtering/ordering part to the output when scripting a table.

SQL History
Improved: Copy a script saved in SQL History to the beginning or to the end of a document, or to a cursor location.

Database Cache
Improved: Use schema cache dependant features with SQL Azure with Windows and Active Directory Authentications.

SSMS Tools Pack 5.7 is out. New and improved existing features, bug fixes and speed improvements.
2021-10-12 00:00:00

Column Data Statistics
New: Show various column data statistics (min, max, count, stdev, average, median, distribution, etc) for grid result sets.

Connection Coloring
New: Added coloring of Registered Servers groups. Color is determined by the server group name.

Script Data Generator
New: Script selected cells as WHERE clause conditions per row.
New: Script selected cells to custom format with settable header and data, row and column separators.

SQL Editor Plus
New: Rename tab to first regular expression match in the first N lines of the script.

Database Cache
New: Persist the loaded cache to disk and load it from disk instead of going to the source database every time.

Run script on multiple targets
Improved: Show databases that are not in normal state and are not accessible.

SQL History
Improved: Enable showing confirmation dialog when restoring the last session.

Search Results in Grid Mode
Improved: Added warning that searching through large result sets will block SSMS.

SSMS Tools Pack 5.5 is out. A lot of new and improved features and a few bug fixes.
2020-07-17 00:00:00

SQL History
New: Added Query Duration to local save-to-file SQL Execution History. Duration is saved and measured from SSMS without touching a SQL instance.

SQL Editor Plus
New: Quick Connect Active SQL Editor Window connects the active SQL editor window to the database selected in Object Explorer.
New: Find Object in Object Explorer now also works from grid results' context menu. Search input is first selected cell's value.
Improved: Expanding * to column names puts a column name in quotes if it starts with an invalid character.

Script Data Generator (formerly Insert Statement Generator)
New: Script selected cells as comma separated values (CSV) grouped by rows or columns.
Improved: Scripting grid results now preserves data types.
Improved: Generating insert statements for multiple tables now enables scripting one table per file in addition to all tables per file.

Export To Excel
New: Added exporting data directly into an Excel spreadsheet table which is enabled for filtering. Settable in Export to Excel Options.
New: Added keyboard shortcuts to all export options. They're NOT set by default and can be changed in Export to Excel Options.

SQL Snippets
New: Added {CB} as a placeholder that is replaced with clipboard text when the snippet is expanded from its shortcut text.

SSMS Tools Pack 5.4 is out with new and improved features and resolved few issues related to SSMS 18.
2020-03-01 00:00:00

Connection Coloring
New: SQL Editor's Tab Color will move left-right while a query is executing
providing an instant visual cue if anything is running in a tab.

Export To Excel
New: Export selected cells from grid results.
New: Export grid results into multiple sheets (grid per sheet).
New: Replace NULL values with "NULL" text in exported cells.

SQL Editor Plus
Improved: Added connection color, server and database name to the Accidental Data Destruction Protector warning window.
Improved: Rename tab to first object name in the script can now be set as object name only or schema name and object name.

SSMS Tools Pack 5.2 is out with full support for SSMS 18, improved features, bug fixes and stability improvements.
2019-09-06 00:00:00

Full support for SSMS 18
Support for SSMS 18 releases.
SSMS 18 is now fully supported as all reported issues from the previous version have been resolved.

SQL Editor Plus
New: Rename Tabs has the option to rename current or all tabs to an object name in the first CREATE/ALTER statement in each open query window.
New: Run Statement At Cursor Location has the option to not select the executing query which makes the caret stay in the same position as before.

SQL History
New: Added exclusion keyword to not save a query in SQL history. The keyword is a preset comment and has to be at the start of the executing selection.

Search Grid Results
New: Added searching for columns names in grid results.

SSMS Tools Pack 5.0 is out with beta support for SSMS 18, improved features, bug fixes, stability and speed improvements.
2019-03-27 00:00:00

Beta support for SSMS 18
Beta support for SSMS 18 preview releases.
Any reported issues will be fixed in the next version.

Manage License Activations
Manage your license details and number of activated machines by yourself.
Great in case of forgetting to deactivate an old machine.

Features Needing Database Caching
New: Finer database cache content control. Added support for removing all or some database schemas from cache.
New: Filter databases to load into cache. Specify any direct comparison filter or regex filter on server and/or database names. Matched filter entries are not loaded into database cache.

Insert Statements Generator
New: Full culture independent date formatting. All dates can now be formatted with the current culture or a culture independent option.
New: Script grid results to clipboard in addition to scripting them into an editor window.

SSMS Tools Pack 4.9.6 is out with new features in SQL History, Connection Coloring and SQL History, bug fixes and stability improvements.
2018-10-02 00:00:00

SQL Editor Plus
New: Drop Database warning added to the Data Destruction Protector.
Improved: Expand SELECT * now supports expansions for linked servers and full synonym support.

SQL History
New: Preserve window pinned status when saving a tab session.

Connection Coloring
New: One off connection color can be set for quick window differentiation. Not preserved after closing the query window. Set it through the color strip context menu.

Run script on multiple targets
Improved: Better progress reporting by adding a database name in the log output before it starts execution on that database.

SSMS Tools Pack 4.9 is out with new features (Sort Tabs, Find Tab, Warn on Possible Open Transaction), a few bug fixes, stability and speed improvements.
2018-06-13 00:00:00

SQL Editor Plus
New: Find Tab based on caption text. Search captions with a convenient filter-as-you-type search window.
New: Sort Tabs based on server name, database name and caption text.
New: "Possible Open Transaction" warning added to the Data Destruction Protector.

SSMS Tools Pack 4.7 is out with new features (Expand SELECT * to proper columns, Find Item in Object Explorer) and a few bug fixes.
2018-03-28 00:00:00

SQL Editor Plus
New: Expand SELECT * to show columns from the tables, views, UDFs, CTEs, etc used in your query.
New: Quickly find an object in Object Explorer by pressing F12. It works for tables, views, stored procedures and UDF's.
Improved: Run Statement at Cursor adds the option to run statement from start up to the cursor position.

Search Databases, Tables, Views Data
Search results are now displayed in the query window connected to the same database as they were run on.
A bug was fixed where it didn't show correct number of found values
if the searched value was in more than one column in same row.

Export to Excel
Numbers longer than 15 digits are now treated as text, because Excel auto-truncates them.

Run Custom Scripts
Custom scripts can now be marked as External and will be run in the Command Line.

Manage License Activations
You can now check your license details and number of activated machines by yourself.

SSMS Tools Pack 4.5 is out with full support for SSMS 17 and various feature improvements.
2017-10-09 00:00:00

Full support for SSMS 17
All reported issues during the beta support have been resolved.

Connection Coloring
Connection Coloring is now improved by coloring the server/database in Object Explorer as well.
This way you can always see if you're working on the correct server/database.

SQL Editor Plus
Auto-rename window tab text has been extended with option to rename the tab to
either the first line in the executed T-SQL script or the next non-empty line after
the user-set line in the executed T-SQL script if the user-set line is empty.

Export to Excel
Full support for correctly exporting Unicode characters not in extended ASCII set into an Excel file.

CRUD Generator
Update stored procedure is NOT generated if there are no updateable columns in the table.

SSMS Tools Pack 4.2 is out with beta support for SSMS 17 RC1, new features and minor bug fixes.
2016-11-28 00:00:00

Beta support for SSMS 2017 RC1
Beta support for SSMS 17 RC1. Due to beta status this might have various bugs. Since SSMS 17 RC1 has just been released and is not recommended for production use the SSMS Tools Pack
for it might run into various issues as well. They will be worked out as the SSMS 17 gets more stable.

SQL Editor Plus
New Run At element in query window status bar with starting time of the executed query.
Auto-rename window tab text to the Nth (user-defined) line in the executed SQL script.
Automatically connect to the database with the same name when switching servers.

SQL History
Tab Sessions UI improvements when scrolling through items.

Export to Excel
Export folder defaults to %AppData%\SSMSToolsPack.

Other Minor Features
On first run the settings are imported from the last automated backup if it exists.

SSMS Tools Pack 4.0 is out. Full support for SSMS 2016 RTM.
2016-06-15 00:00:00

Full Support for SSMS 2016 RTM
Full support for SSMS 2016 RTM which came out June 1st 2016.

SQL Editor Plus
Renamed tabs get the custom name stored and properly restored in the SQL History's Tab Session.

Global Replacement Texts
Now you can have nested replacement texts that are properly evaluated up to 10 levels deep.

Insert Statements Generator
It can now also script views. Added an option to add column names to each scripted SELECT statement.

Export to Excel
It can now also export views to Excel.

SSMS Tools Pack is out. Excel export improvements and bug fixes, and Run Custom Scripts from Object Explorer improvement.
2016-04-30 00:00:00

Export to Excel:
Fixes for dates not showing properly in Excel 2007, exporting XML from the results grid, and an error when doing multiple exports in parallel.

Run custom scripts from Object Explorer:
You can now order the scripts shown in the context menu in the feature's Options. Simply change the index and it will be sorted in the ascending irder of that index. Custom text can now be set inside the colored bar for each server/database.

SSMS Tools Pack 3.8 is out. New Excel Export feature, support for SSMS 2016 RC1 and various feature improvements.
2016-03-28 23:00:00

Export to Excel:
Properly export result sets, one or multiple tables or the whole database to Excel files. This feature doesn't need Excel installed to work. It correctly converts SQL Server data types to Excel data types, supports exporting unlimited table rows and creates a valid XLSX file.

Window Connection Coloring:
Custom text can now be set inside the colored bar for each server/database.

SQL Snippets:
Exporting and importing SQL snippets has been improved with snippet selection. You can now choose which snippets to export/import. This gives extra customizable flexibility.

SQL Editor Plus:
The Accidental Data Destruction Protector can now ignore temporary tables.

Default Settings Deploy:
Default Settings Deploy now auto-detects and auto-deploys new centrally created settings file.

Support for SSMS 2016 RC1:
With each new SSMS 2016 version the compatibility might break. The next update will be for the fully released SSMS 2016.

SSMS Tools Pack 3.6 update is out with support for SSMS 2016 CTP's and new database data search.
2015-10-07 23:00:00

Support for SSMS 2016 CTP 2.3 and up:
With each new SSMS 2016 CTP the compatibility might break. Future updates will come as soon as possible.

Search Database/Table Data:
Completely new Search dialog with the ability to filter on table names, column names and column data type groups.

SSMS Tools Pack update is out with fixes for two small non-critical bugs.
2015-05-05 08:00:00

Version fixes two non-critical bugs:
- An exception is shown when opening a Licensing Options window when NO valid license exists.
- Run Script On Multiple Targets now also correctly shows auto-closed databases.

SSMS Tools Pack is out with a NEW feature, a few improved features and various bug fixes.
2015-05-03 16:00:00

New feature is called Global Replacement Texts. It gives you the ability to add custom replacement texts to your scripts in four different features.

Licensing now gives you the ability to upgrade your existing license from the previous major version. This upgrade path is around 30% cheaper than buying a completely new license.

SQL Editor Plus has been extended with 2 new functionalities:
- Rename Window Tab by right clicking on your window's tab.
- Data Destruction Protector now protects against accidental DROP TABLE.

SQL History has a bug fixed that it didn't save on every interval when using Save to Database functionality.

Search Database Data now has column type choice like search through all textual or numeric columns, etc.

Other Minor Features have been improved like:
- Easier distribution of pre-configured add-in settings to new users with Default Settings Deploy.
- Full compatibility with built-in accessibility color schemes for visually impaired.
- Increased stability.

Download version 3.5 on the Download page.

SSMS Tools Pack website EU VAT rules update.
2015-01-01 20:00:00

The site is now updated to reflect new EU VAT rules for online software sales.
For customers that are NOT VAT exempt, the VAT from their country has to now be added to the price.

Second change is the Demo license has been now extended to 60 days. This way you can take
the SSMS Tools Pack for a test drive without rush.

SSMS Tools Pack update released.
2014-09-12 12:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack fixes a bug with an error being thrown for non-english localized SSMS's.
Also included are a few speed and accuracy optimizations of the whole SQL Editor Plus feature.

Download version on the Download page.

SSMS Tools Pack update released.
2014-09-04 00:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack fixes a bug with executing a statement at cursor location and
adds closing all dialog windows when pressing ESC.

Download version on the Download page.

SSMS Tools Pack is out with a NEW feature, a few improved features and various bug fixes.
2014-09-03 10:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack 3.2 introduces a new feature, the SQL Editor Plus. For now it has 2 very helpful options.
The first one is running a statement at your cursor position by pressing SHIFT+F5.
The second one can be a real life saver. It's called the Accidental Data Destruction Protector.
It pops an "Are you sure?" window if it detects you've executed a DELETE or UPDATE statements without a WHERE clause or a TRUNCATE statement.

In CRUD Generator you can now use the |insertColumnList|, |values| and |updateColumnList| variables in both Insert and Update templates. This gives you the ability to create an UpSert template (Update if exist, Insert if not).

Generating Insert Statements for data in result grids can now be also scripted as a simple union all result set without a temp table.

Other changes include various bug fixes in the core engines for error reporting, SQL History, etc.

Download version on the Download page.

SSMS Tools Pack Licensing page has been updated for VAT.
2014-08-15 08:00:00

Customers in the European Union (EU) are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT)
according to EU law. The Licensing page has been updated to handle VAT.

It now consists of 3 steps:

  1. Choose license option best suited for your needs like before.
  2. If you are not a customer in the EU, you make a purchase like before.
    If you are a customer in the EU, you are taken to step 3.
  3. Applies only to customers in the EU.
    • Here you can deduct VAT if you are a company registered for VAT.
    • Buy with the VAT added if you are a company not registered for VAT
      or an end customer.

SSMS Tools Pack is out with few important bug fixes.
2014-05-26 08:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack fixes a bug some people experienced in SSMS 2008 R2 with SSMS Tools menu item not appearing in Object Explorer context menu and Object Explorer Details window not being able to connect to a server.
Also fixed is a bug with Send Feedback functionality which caused empty feedback to be sent.

Xen hypervisor has been added to the list of VM's where you can use the unlimited VM's feature.

Download version on the Download page.

SSMS Tools Pack 3.0 is out. Full SSMS 2014 support and improved features.
2014-05-20 08:00:00

With version 3.0 the SSMS 2014 is fully supported.
Since this is a new major version you'll eventually need a new license. Please check the EULA to see when.

As a thank you for your patience with this release, everyone that bought
the SSMS Tools Pack after April 1st, the release date of SQL Server 2014, will receive a free upgrade
You won't have to do anything for this to take effect.

First thing you'll notice is that the UI has been completely changed.
It's more in line with SSMS and looks less web-like.
Also the core has been update and rewritten in some places to be better suited fo future features.

Major improvements for this release are:

Window Connection Coloring
Something a lot of people have asked me over the last 2 years is if there's a way
to color the tab of the window itself. I'm very glad to say that now it is.
In SSMS 2012 and higher the actual query window tab is also colored at the top border
with the same color as the already existing strip making it much easier to see to which
server your query window is connected to even when a window is not focused.
To make it even better, you can not also specify the desired color based on the database name
and not just the server name. This makes is useful for production environments where you
need to be careful in which database you run your queries in.

Format SQL
The format SQL core was rewritten so it'll be easier to improve it in future versions.
New improvement is the ability to terminate SQL statements with semicolons.
This is available only in SSMS 2012 and up.

Execution Plan Analyzer
A big request was to implement the Problems and Solutions tooltip as a window
that you can copy the text from. This is now available. You can move the window around
and copy text from it. It's a small improvement but better stuff will come.

SQL History
Current Window History has been improved with faster search and now also shows
the color of the server/database it was ran against. This is very helpful if you change
your connection in the same query window making it clear which server/database you ran query on.
The option to Force Save the history has been added. This is a menu item that flushes
the execution and tab content history save buffers to disk.

SQL Snippets
Added an option to generate snippet from selected SQL text on right click menu.

Run script on multiple databases
Configurable database groups that you can save and reuse were added.
You can create groups of preselected databases to choose from for each server.
This makes repetitive tasks much easier

New small team licensing option
A lot of requests came in for 1 computer, Unlimited VMs option so now it's here.
Hope it serves you well.

SSMS Tools Pack is released with a bug fix for the SSMS 2008 version.
2013-08-02 12:00:00

A few people on SSMS 2008 reported a bug with SQL History Window Content saving so this is a version with that bug fixed.

SSMS Tools Pack 2.7 is released. New website, improved licensing and features.
2013-07-02 20:00:00

New website
Nice, isn't it? Cleaner, simpler, better looking and more modern.
If you have any suggestions for further improvements I'd be glad to hear them.

Simpler licensing
With SSMS tools Pack 2.7 the licensing is finally where it should be.
It is now based on the activate/deactivate model.
This way you can move a license from machine to machine with simple deactivation on one and
reactivation on another machine. Much better, no?
Because of very good feedback I have added an option for 6 machines and lowered the 4 machines option to 3 machines.
This should make it much simpler for you to choose the right option for yourself.

Improved features
Version 2.5.3 was already extremely stable and 2.7 continues with that tradition.
Because of that I could fully focus on features and why 3.0 will rock even more that 2.7! ;)
In version 2.7 I have addressed quite a few improvements you were requesting for a while now.

SQL History
This is probably the biggest time saver out there, therefore it's only fair it gets a few important updates.
  • If you have an existing .sql file opened, the Window Content History now saves your code
    to that existing file and also makes a backup in the SQL History log default location.
    Search is still done through the SQL History log but the Tab Sessions Restore opens your existing .sql file.
    This way you don't have to remember to save your existing files by yourself anymore.
  • A bug when you couldn't search properly if you copied the log files to a new location was fixed.
    Unfortunately this removed the option to filter a search with the time component.
    The smallest search interval is now one day.
  • The SSMS Tools Pack now remembers the visibility of the Current Window History window when you exit SSMS.

SQL Snippets
You can now set the position of the cursor in your snippets by placing {C} somewhere in your snippet.
It's a small improvement but can be a huge time saver since you don't have to move through
the snippet to the desired location anymore.

Run script on multiple databases
Database choices can now be saved with a name and then loaded again next time.
You can also choose to run the script in a new window for each chosen database.

Search through grid results
You can now go previous/next search result with the Prev/Next control inside the search window.
This is extremely useful if you have a large resultset. IT saves you the scrolling.

CRUD generator
Four new variables have been added:
  • |CurrentDate| writes current date in format yyyy-MM-dd to your script
  • |CurrentTime| writes current time in 24h format HH:mm:ss to your script
  • |CurrentWinUser| writes current Windows logged on user to your script
  • |CurrentSqlUser| writes current SQL logged on login to your script
This was actually quite a requested feature so if you have any other ideas for extra variables, do let me know.

That's about it. I hope you're going to enjoy this version as much as the previous ones.
Have fun!
SSMS Tools Pack 2.5.3 is out with bug fixes and improved licensing.
2012-12-14 12:00:00

Licensing for SSMS Tools Pack 2.5 has been quite a hit and I received some awesome feedback.
The vesion 2.5.3 contains a few bug fixes and desired licensing improvements.
Changes include more licensing options, prices in Euros because of book keeping reasons (don't you just love those :))
and generally easier purchase and licensing process for users.

Licensing now offers four options:

Per machine license. (€25)
Perfect if you do all your work from a single machine.
Plus one OS reinstall activation.

Personal license (€75)
Up to 4 machine activations.
Plus 2 OS reinstall activations and
any number of virtual machine activations.

Team license (€240)
Up to 10 machine activations.
Plus 4 OS reinstall activations and
any number of virtual machine activations.

Enterprise license (€350+)
For more than 10 machine activations
any number of virtual machine activations.

30 days license.
Time based demo license bound to a machine.

You can view all the details on the Licensing page.

If you want to receive email notifications when new version of SSMS Tools Pack is out you can do that on the Main page or on the Download page.

Version 2.7 is expected in the first half of january and won't support SSMS 2005 and 2005 Express anymore.

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack 2.5 is out. Added support for SQL Server 2012.
2012-09-18 00:00:00

Because I wanted to make SSMS Tools Pack as solid as possible for SSMS 2012 there are no new features only bug fixes and speed improvements.

I am planning new awesome features for the next version so be on the lookout.

The biggest change is that SSMS Tools Pack for SSMS 2012 is no longer free. For previous SSMS versions it is still free.

Licensing now offers following options:

Per machine license. ($29.99)
Perfect if you do all your work from a single machine.
This license is valid per major release of SSMS Tools Pack
(e.g. v2.x, v3.x, v4.x).

Fully transferable license valid for 3 months. ($99.99)
Perfect for work across many machines.
It's not bound to a machine or an SSMS Tools Pack version.

30 days license.
Time based demo license bound to a machine.

You can view all the details on the Licensing page.

If you want to receive email notifications when new version of SSMS Tools Pack is out you can do that on the Main page or on the Download page.

This is also the last version to support SSMS 2005 and 2005 Express.

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack 2.1.0 is out. Added support for SQL Server 2012 RC0.
2011-12-01 21:00:00

This version adds support for SQL Server 2012 RC0 and fixes a few bugs with SQL History.

Because of the support for regions in SSMS 2012 the regions and debug sections feature has been removed from SSMS Tools Pack for SQL Server 2012.

The feature is still available for previous SSMS versions.

SSMS Tools Pack won the SQL Magazine bronze award for best free tool of 2011
2011-12-01 21:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack has won the SQL Magazine bronze award for best free tool of 2011. You can view all the details at the SQL Server Magazine Award page.

Thanx to all the people who voted for it. I'm glad you all like it and use it with great success.

SSMS Tools Pack 2.0.4 is out. Fix for crashing SQL Prompt 4.
2011-10-04 15:00:00

This version fixes a problem with SQL Prompt 4 had with SSMS Tools Pack that made SQL Prompt 4 crash. I've worked around the SQL Prompt bug and now they play along nicely.

SSMS Tools Pack 2.0.3 is out. Varios bug fixes people reported.
2011-10-03 00:00:00

This version various bug people have reported and makes some UI changes. The Search grid results button is now in the grid results context menu. The text for the Show/Hide Execution Plan Analyzer has changed.

Tab Sessions are now saved and restored per logged in user. However the Tab Session History still shows sessions from all users.

SSMS Tools Pack 2.0.2 is out. Bug fixes for SSMS 2005 and 2005 Express version.
2011-09-25 21:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack update that fixes a corrupt memory bug in SSMS 2005 and 2005 Express versions.

SSMS Tools Pack 2.0.1 is out. This version fixes the SSMS crashing bug.
2011-09-25 17:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack update that fixes the SSMS crashing bug if SSMS is idle for more than 10 minutes.

Also a "Show/Hide Execution Plan Analyzer" button has been added to the toolbar.

SSMS Tools Pack 2.0 stability update
2011-09-23 00:00:00

A few people reported frequent SSMS crashing after installing SSMS Tools Pack 2.0. I'm working on fixing this bug but for now the workaround is to disable Tab Session saving in SQL History Options under Window Content and Tab Session Saving tab

SSMS Tools Pack 2.0 is out! With huge productivity booster features that will blow your mind and ease your job even more.
2011-09-21 12:00:00

What better way to end the summer and start those productive autumn days ahead than with a fresh new version of the SSMS Tools Pack.

This is a big release with two new features that are huge productivity boosters.

First new feature are Tab Sessions. Every SQL tab you open is saved every N (default 2) minutes and is stored in a session. This works similar to internet browser sessions. Once you reopen SSMS you can restores your last session with a click of a button. You even get every window connected to the server it was previously connected to. The Tab History Window looks like this:

The second feature is Execution Plan Analyzer. It is designed to quickly help you find costliest operators by a number of properties. If that's not enough you can easily search through the whole execution planfor whatever you like.
And to top it off you can auto analyze the execution plan. The analysis reports various problems the execution plan has and suggests a most common solution. The ultimate purpose of the Execution Plan Analyzer is to make your troubleshooting quicker and easier. It uses a simple user interface that is easy to navigate and is built directly into the execution plan itself.

Smaller fixes include a completely redesigned SQL History Search window and various other bug fixes.

You can download the new version 2.0 at the Download page.

Also available with the download is a free trial of SQL Source Control from Red Gate Software. This SSMS plug-in connects your existing source control system to SQL Server in less than 5 minutes.

For more detailed feature descriptions go to the main Features Page.

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack 1.9.4 is out! Now with SQL Server Denali CTP1 support.
2010-12-28 12:00:00

To end the year on a good note this release adds support for SQL Server Denali CTP1 and fixes a few bugs.

Because of the new shell the SSMS Tools Pack for SQL Denali CTP1 version doesn't have regions and debug sections functionality for now.

The fixed bugs are:

  • A bug that prevented to create insert statements for a database
  • A bug that didn't script commas as decimal points correctly for non US settings.
  • A bug with searching through grid results.
  • A threading bug that sometimes happened when saving Window Content History.
  • A bug with Window Connection Coloring throwing an error on startup if a server color was undefined.
  • A bug with changing shortcuts in SSMS for various features.

You can download the new version 1.9.4 here.

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack won the SQL Magazine silver award for best free tool of 2010
2010-11-24 12:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack has won the SQL Magazine silver award for best free tool of 2010. You can view all the details at the SQL Server Magazine Award page.

Thanx to all the people who voted for it. I'm glad you all like it and use it with great success.

SSMS Tools Pack 1.9.3 is out!
2010-11-09 12:00:00

This release adds a great new feature and fixes a few bugs

The new feature called Window Content History saves the whole text in all all opened SQL windows every N minutes with the default being 30 minutes. This feature fixes the shortcoming of the Query Execution History which is saved only when the query is run. If you're working on a large script and never execute it, the existing Query Execution History wouldn't save it. By contrast the Window Content History saves everything in a .sql file so you can even open it in your SSMS. The Query Execution History and Window Content History files are correlated by the same directory and file name so when you search through the Query Execution History you get to see the whole saved Window Content History for that query. Because Window Content History saves data in simple searchable .sql files there isn't a special search editor built in. It is turned ON by default but despite the built in optimizations for space minimization, be careful to not let it fill your disk. You can see how it looks in the pictures in the feature list.

The fixed bugs are:

  • SSMS 2008 R2 slowness reported by few people.
  • An object explorer context menu bug where it showed multiple SSMS Tools entries and showed wrong entries for a node.
  • A datagrid bug in SQL snippets.
  • Ability to read illegal XML characters from log files.
  • Fixed the upper limit bug of a saved history text to 5 MB.
  • A bug when searching through result sets prevents search.
  • A bug with Text formatting erroring out for certain scripts.
  • A bug with finding servers where it would return null even though servers existed.
  • Run custom scripts objects had a bug where |SchemaName| didn't display the correct table schema for columns. This is fixed. Also |NodeName| and |ObjectName| values now show the same thing.


You can download the new version 1.9.3 here.

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack 1.9 is out!
2010-08-24 12:00:00

This is a release that fixes all known bugs. If you encounter any new ones don’t hesitate to report them. :)

The main feature list hasn’t changed.

A few improvements have been made though:

Save SQL Snippets to HTML and/or print them directly from SSMS.

In Window Connection Coloring the server names can now be regular expressions giving you the ability to color multiple servers with the same color.

Here’s a blog from David Levy (Blog|Twitter) about the new window connection coloring using regular expression and why is it really useful to him. Thanx for kind words Dave.


You can download the new version 1.9 here.

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack 1.8 is out!
2010-05-03 12:00:00

This is a release that fixes all known major bugs and most of the minor ones.

The main feature list hasn’t changed.

The only addition is the ability to export and import only SQL snippets .

Before you could only export/import all settings which included the snippets.

You can download the new version here .

Enjoy it!

SSMS Tools Pack is out. Bug fixes for my international users.
2009-11-03 12:00:00

Due to a bug i haven’t anticipated, a whole load of users with non English SSMS couldn’t install the latest SSMS Tools Pack 1.7.

The SSMS Tools Pack fixes this as well as 1 other major bug that was reported and 3 smaller ones.

The feature list hasn’t changed.

You can simply reinstall over the

If you’re still on 1.5 or less then you’ll have to manually uninstall it and install

You can download the new version here.

Hopefully this will bring back joy to everyone :)

SSMS Tools Pack 1.7 is out
2009-10-26 12:00:00

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the STP is back to rock your world!

The new feature is SQL Snippets to speed up your development.

This new version brings one completely new option, full GUI redesign, completely rewritten installer, improved error handling and reporting, bug fixes and old features improvements.
Type in the assigned shortcut, press enter or tab and get the snippet you need.
It's quick, clean and saves time! 

Some of more visible improved features include:

SSMS 2008 R2 is supported but expect quirks in it due to the CTP status.

Due to a folder naming installer bug in version 1.5 please uninstall any and all previous versions before installing the 1.7 version.

SSMS Tools Pack 1.5 is out
2009-02-09 12:00:00

The new SSMS Tools Pack 1.5 is here!

This new version brings one completely new option and a few improved old ones.
The new feature is Window Connection Coloring.
It includes a colored strip indicator that can be docked to any side of the window.

Improved features include:

SSMS Tools Pack 1.1 is out
2008-10-06 12:00:00

The new SSMS Tools Pack 1.1 is here!

With this new version you can use it for Sql Server Management Studio 2008 and Sql Server Management Studio 2008 Express.

There are 2 new features.
1. Current window history is a dockable window that show queries executed in a currently active window. There is also a search box at the top that filters results as you type. Also the main Query History Log Viewer has been remodeled. I'm open to suggestions for further improvements.

2. Search through the Database Data. There are times when you'd like to find some value but can't remember in which table it is. Now you can easily do that.

The SSMS Tools Pack does NOT work for SSMS 2005 versions before SP2 anymore.

Search for the SSMS Tools Pack logo!
2008-10-06 12:00:00

Since i'm a bit graphicaly challenged :) I would like to turn to you dear reader to help me find a good logo for your favorite tool right here. Since this is a completely free product i'm not in a position to pay anything but i would be more than glad to splash your name with praise all over the front page.
Thanx for any and all input.

SSMS Tools Pack 1.0 is out.
2008-05-01 12:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack 1.0 is here!
It's out of beta and we have tons of features and improved functionality.
List of all features in version 1.0:

  • Uppercase/Lowercase keywords.
  • Run one script on multiple databases.
  • Copy execution plan bitmaps to clipboard.
  • Search Results in Grid Mode and Execution Plans.
  • Generate Insert statements for a single table, the whole database or current resultsets in grids.
  • Query Execution History (Soft Source Control).
  • Text document Regions and Debug sections.
  • Running custom scripts from Object explorer's Context menu.
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) stored procedure generation.
  • New query template.

SSMS Tools Pack RSS Feed has changed to feedburner.
2008-05-01 12:00:00

SSMS Tools Pack RSS Feed has changed from
Please switch to the new feed.

SSMS Tools Pack: 0.9.5 beta is out
2007-10-31 12:00:00

New version of SSMS Tools Pack: 0.9.5 beta

SSMS Tools Pack: 0.9.0 beta is out
2007-09-20 12:00:00

New version of SSMS Tools Pack: 0.9.0 beta

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