Script Data Generator
Insert statements for the whole database are generated by the order of PK-FK relationships. Top tables with no FK's are scripted first. Binary data is by default fully scripted. If you wish you can also set the scripting data limit between 0 and 10 Mb. Larger values than the limit are then scripted as NULL. Insert statements for the data in result grids are scripted into a new temporary table for each grid or as a simple union all result set. For example from 5 result grids insert statements for 5 temporary tables get created.
Create a comma-separated values (CSV) list of selected values. The generated list can be grouped by rows or by columns. Values can also be scripted as ColumnName IN (Values) which can be inserted directly into a WHERE clause
Version 6.6 adds the ability to only script the selected cells' column names.
Create WHERE clause conditions of selected values. The scripted values have thier data type preserved and ARE combined with AND conditions between columns and OR conditions between rows.
Create a JSON formatted data of selected values. Generated JSON is structurally equal to SQL Server's FOR JSON functionality.
Create a CUSTOM format export of selected cells. Separators between rows, columns and headers are all settable. For example, creating a HTML table from the data is very simple and is the CUSTOM formatter default.
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